chopper92's Followings
A brazilian photographer. Pics of myself and soon some works... Or maybe you can be my next model! Who knews?!..........Um fotógrafo brasileiro. Auto-retratos e futuramente alguns trabalhos... Ou talvez você possa ser meu(minha) próximo(a) modelo! Quem sabe?! rs
Casal real, gostamos de compartilhar as nossas fotos e curtir as de vocês. Real couple, like to show our photos and see yours. Likes, relusts and comments are welcome!
Nací en santiago me gusta singar muchísimo y raspar pila ,me gusta el porno y follar muchísimo ,que viva la singadera ,la tengo bien lechosa
II like to exhibit me and excites be observed Masturbate with my photos. Me gusta exhibirme y excitar ser observada(all my picture100% Real)
Sexy married couple enjoying giving people a show and watching others play. We love to get and give likes, comments and to relust photos.