tataruga's Followings
Sexy married couple enjoying giving people a show and watching others play. We love to get and give likes, comments and to relust photos.
Casal real, gostamos de compartilhar as nossas fotos e curtir as de vocês. Real couple, like to show our photos and see yours. Likes, relusts and comments are welcome!
Je suis souvent en live gratuit n'hésitez pas à venir me voir !! Le lien est sur mon site page Webcam ! @allyasex sur twitter
Exhibitionist, sapiosexual, a born temptress. SEX and ART are the same thing. *NO CHAT (but I read and I love your comments and messages)
A couple exploring new ways to be together. Unfortunately, we don't have as much time as we'd like, so we closed all of our non-Uplust accounts, but fear not! This one is alive and well :)
Somos una pareja en busca de una mujer/pareja para satisfacer nuestros deseos. Anímate, lo pasaremos bien: [email protected] // We're a hot couple looking for a woman to satisfy our desire... so if you're planning to come to Spain and you'd like extra fun, contact: [email protected]
Couple en lune de miel depuis quelques années, ravis d'échanger de petits moments d'intimité. Please, comment or relust if you like!