meiika's Followers
Eu gosto dos prazeres mais verdadeiros. Se vc gosta de exibicionismo, ou sexo real, que seja de verdade. Se o que eu te escrevo não te agrada, me diga e eu paro. Se o que eu faço não combina com vc, me diga e eu paro. Desde que seja consensual e posto em cima da mesa, tudo que dá prazer é bem vindo!
This profile was started as an investigation, and to, where-ever possible, subvert. There needs to be more thought put into representation by those who consume explicit and erotic imagery. There is a need to recognize and respect the sexual potency and agency of women.
Adoramos transar! Casal afim de experiências novas. Queremos sexo a 3, num futuro quem sabe a 4...
I joined uplust to show off my body, and love to hear what you think! Young and lonely, like most. About me: I produce an excessive amount of precum, am a bit of an exhibitionist, and am a nerd. Please leave COMMENTS! (they make me drip) and suggestions please! O anything, e.g, angles and positions!