araujosilv's Followings
definição que recebi: "pudica; polida; voluptuosa; obscenidade oral, casada, mas misteriosamente envolvida por um ‘quase desconhecido’
Ok we are a dutch couple hé is 45 years old she is the beauty of us two and she is 43 #years old We are a family with 3 Kids In the future we are making this profile complete 🤣 Hope you like us beeing here🥰🥰🥰
Hola a todos Bisex casado versatil/pas buscando amistades que compartan el placer del morbo
Casal real, gostamos de compartilhar as nossas fotos e curtir as de vocês. Real couple, like to show our photos and see yours. Likes, relusts and comments are welcome!
I'm brazilian and I really want to show people from all over the world what the brazilians have! I'm not sure if it's something new, because we are worldwide known as the hottest girls, but I'm sure you'll be surprised! ;)
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