Just for U my darling.. U wanted the Tshirt off!? Thought I'd take something else off as well. Makes for an interesting night of anticipation knowing, but having to wait until we get home.. Or do we?? :p 3:) #commando #ullhavetowait #undome #takemeout #kissme #playwithme #cantwaittogethome #allyours
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7 years ago bearcubU wouldn't have to tease me SL to arouse me. Just being there would make me horny <3 but go right ahead! I love to be teased by U! :p and the swelling sensation within my jeans without jocks would be incredibly erotic! At some point I would want to stand up just to show U the effect U have. I'm very confident in your abilities my Darling, its what makes me so hard! Here, give me your foot under the table for just a moment.... or maybe I should drop this fork? 3:) :lips: @undercoverotic #Ucangodownandgetit ##whileyoUrethere #sodamneroticReply