‘’Down On My Knees’’ (Ayo) ‘’ I kneel down for the ones i love, i raise above the ones who are evil’’ (JA) #nowar #love <3 Like and re-lust #asino #lesbian #spendingaweekendinbed #boobs #ass What will be my next upload? Any suggestions?? <3 #horny #oldone #sex #noporn Let’s Make Love, Not War !!!
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7 years ago pussylicker4uMmmm... What I wouldn't do to u is the question... Me behind u penetrating.. Sexy body follow me @jennthepenReply
7 years ago schtiglitzI discover you always more and more sexy. In others words «The true goodness of glamour»Reply
7 years ago fercho_mx_07@jennyasino that pose is so delicious, sensual and hot, what I would give to be behind you, and see that body move beautifullyReply
7 years ago passionfrancesì naturalmente, ma sei sexy, sensuale e misteriosa. sei sempre così delizioso su ognuno (e anche se non ho avuto l'opportunità di vedere le altre foto ;):3<3) @jennyasinoReply
7 years ago passionfrance« Piu bella cosa » (ER) «Ti amo » (UT) my dear little princess @jennyasino my suggestions : solo tu e sarai semplicemente e sempre una bellezza <3Reply
7 years ago johnstewartFlex your arms, take your boobs to the floor, open little bit more your legs, let me pull your ponytail, breathe and enjoy every lungeReply
7 years ago mercedes1111@little_devil_1 Nay melady rise from your knees for it should be us...ur masses on ur knees for you...show us ur front beauty and lead us into battle to fight the good fight..make love not war!Reply
7 years ago little_devil_1 AdminOh my sweet Jenny, you know how to get me on my knees and show you my love and affection for you, I am your little devil and I would love you to raise above me <3<3<3 I join @bearcub, as long as it's a photo of you for your next upload, I'll be devilishly in heaven <3:*Reply
7 years ago bearcubJenny, Jenny, Jennifer! My Beautiful sweet, gorgeous Jennifer! I sat here missing you and wondering what to do!! I got myself all excited at the thought of seeing you and bam!!!..... here you are my love!! <3 I want to hug you @jennyasino and hold you close!! Kiss the back of your neck and spend all weekend in bed with you also!! :p It doesn’t matter what your next upload will be! So long as it’s of you, I will be more than satisfied!! ;) 3:) <3 :Lips:Reply
7 years ago leblond_72It's easy jenny as you'e a bomb we always see all of you ;) It's not our fault if you have a dreaming body... it' was a good idea to show us your side with you on your knees. You asked for suggestions and i suppose you wouldn't have a picture of you nude on the floor in a forest (and it's maybe cold now.... ;) ) so i propose the same position with another point of view to better imagine you in 3D in our minds and because i like your butt too :DReply
7 years ago leblond_72Sure he should be evily excited. A suggestion: just some other angles of vue of the same position: front and behind. Of course you know that we'll be alot to use the view of you from behind to cum and i hope you like this idea too ;)Reply