little_devil_1 Admin
4 years ago
Beautiful Miss @tommy_cas ❤️ Who is going to have your lipstick on him first, @little_devil_1 ? or @passion13 ? Bella signorina @tommy_cas ❤️ Chi avrà il tuo rossetto su di lui per primo, @little_devil_1 ? o @passion13 ? #mouth #lips #lipstick #dicks #balls #beautiful #fantasy #dream #oral #sex #tastes #flavours #kisses #sucking #licking #arousing #enticing #hot #sexy #sensual #erotic #envy #desires #temptations #little-devil-1 #tommy-cas #passion13 #tribute ??????????
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4 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@tommy_cas @passion13 Spending an awesome delicious time all 3 together would be a dream come true, a lustful feast of tastes, hot embraces and divine love making ???Reply
4 years ago passionfrance@tommy_cas@little_devil_1 even if I am not the first, my pleasure is to be with her and to satisfy her?? a gentleman ever ?Reply
4 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@tommy_cas Mmm... Yes, beautiful girl, keep it secret so @passion13 won't be too disapointed ??????Reply
4 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@passion13 I don't mind... A Gentleman ? first and a Devil ? second... ?????Reply
4 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@tommy_cas Or not?!?... Oh my... Could it mean you would take both of us together? ??????... You have only one sexy mouth, but you have two (s)expert hands ?✋✋????Reply