
It's a gorgeous spring morning here...can I interest you in a tasty snack to start your day ????? #alwayssmiling #BANANAMAGIC #imyourvagician #areyouhorngryyet #likewhatyousee #wokeupsodamnhorny #YATLOMLB
3 years ago always_smiling@arizona ???well I do try my best to be both kissable and fuckable... nice to know all that hard work is paying off??Reply
3 years ago arizonaI wanna kiss you and then fuck you :)Reply

Good morning Lusters ?✨ #bendmeover #thecounterorthewall #imighttakecontroltoo #watchout #bananamagic
Let me be your alarm clock...I promise you won't be disappointed ???? #alwayssmiling #wokeupsodamhorny #cumplay #ILYSDMB #damngirl #bananamagic
4 years ago always_smiling@emma00 hmmmmm.... did I get that wrong silly girl???? #justasguiltyasyou #yougotme #nowwatchagonnado #ILYBReply

Its xmas time and I have a present for you...??? #alwayssmiling #caretoopenyourpackage #8then7 #wantALLthethings #Bananamagic
4 years ago always_smiling@emma00 well, 175lb package might take some time to get to Antarctica, but maybe I can make arrangements with the big guy ? at the north pole and make it happen. Are you ready to play with your package right outta the box??? #onlytoyiwanttoplaywith #iknowyouvebeenNAUGHTY #CANIOPENYOUFORXMASReply