
Before and after shaving. Which one is better? And yes i know I'm a bit hornier in the after pic. #collage #beforeandafter #shaved #trimmed #sexy #amateur #straight #lonely #man #big #hard #young #cock #penis #dick #balls #boner #body #sexy #horny #aroused #balls #precum
6 years ago norbertos_and_iShaved !!!Reply
6 years ago risquechoicesThank you for the input! 1 for shavedReply

The very beginnings of my arousal. That isn't even fly #erect . Thanks for you comments.... Leave me more and I'll read them and post another #cumdrop #droolyclit #litleslimer photo. See my other pics for more! The dirtier you talk, the wetter I get! #clit #notshaved #natural #usual#beforeandafter

The AFTER. Been working #hard like my #dick. Lol. So ... (enjoy my present:) a #beforeandafter of my #cock from this morning. Here's the #After - #precum #thickdick #bigdick #bigcock #jerking #masturbation #girth #girthy #enjoy!

Been working #hard like my #dick. Lol. So my apologies for my followers for not much content of late. Let me present a #beforeandafter of my #cock from this morning. Here's the #before - #precum #thickdick #bigdick #bigcock #jerking #masturbation #girth #girthy #enjoy!