
He shoots, he scores! Even went out of bounds over my head. You also don't see how well I scored on him ??? #squirtyhouseholdstrikesagain #mykindasport #cumplaywithme
3 years ago eccentric_circle@mad4it must you? ??Reply
3 years ago mad4itFeels like being a teenager again, ????? I must, I must, improve my lust ?Reply

Good morning and Happy Thursday! Anyone else wake up with one thing on their mind? (Asking for a friend????) #alwayshornyforyou #alwayssmiling #needsattention #cumplaywithme #allyours #wanttofillyouup

Spring has sprung! Birds are chirping, baby ducklings are on the course! Bear is coming out of hibernation! :p The warming of the sun stirs his arousel! Bear wants to play! 3:) ;) #sexual #warmthstirsmydesire #horny #sensual #bornagain #cumplaywithme #suchaturnon
7 years ago bearcubNo No my lovely @jennyasino our climate differences are perfect! Yes, bear is coming out of hibernation and is a randy ole Bear in Spring, but unlike the birds and bees who only do it once a year, my needs also go long into the summer and that's perrrrrfect, for you will be cold in your winter and Bear will keep you warm and horny all snuggled up in his warm fur and hugging arms!! :P And if you get really cold then I will heat you from inside with my hot throbbing desire! 3:) :pReply

#amateur #cock #dick #horny #hard #selfie #wishiwasfuckingyoumiss #masturbate #1problemidontmindhandling #workingtowardsacumshot #cumonyourtits #openyourmouthladies #needsomewheretositladies #cumplaywithme

Such a bad Bear!! Needs slapping into line! Your sounds, groans & cries send me crazy! #slapme #beatme #cumplaywithme #pinatas #donttouchit #wackmehard

Public holiday Monday in my state, all morning to play and no one to Play with? Where are all my northern hemisphere Ladies? #cumplaywithme #hornyashell #bearneedssweetlipsandatongue #paintme #whereareU