What do you get when you've got the day off and no plans? Asking for a friend...😈 #alwayssmiling #cumkeepmewarm #wokeuphorngry #nobadideas #muhahaha
1 year ago always_smiling@emma00 🤔 hmmmm. .. is this the only way I get to give you a "thumbs up " now? Cause that'll be weird around the family...🤪😂😈 #thesestickersareaproblem #butyourverysexy #bonerdamniforgotReply
1 year ago emma00You get the approval of the wife, especially when she gets new exciting creative things to play with 😉😍🥵👍🏻🍆 #newstickerunlocked #thumbsup #damnthatsallmine #IFLYBReply

Can you spot both Sunday morning essentials in the picture? ??? #alwayssmiling #dontbetoonaughty #happysunday #maxisonthecharge #muhahaha
3 years ago always_smiling@emma00 hmmmm....I know just how to help... in fact there's space for you to bend over right by the coffee machine??? #lovebeingyourtoy #keepgoingandgoing #mustacherides #bananabanana #25Reply

Time for Saturday morning mischief....are you in? ????Happy weekend uplusters! #alwayssmiling #muhahaha #alwaysteasingyou #feelingmischieviousagain #lalalaooohhhh #feelingnaughty
3 years ago always_smiling@emma00 darling I think we need to face facts... this is gonna be an "ever damn day" condition for both of us in perpetuity. Hope you can handle it???? #minemine #missyourfacealready #areyoutipsyyet? #isitnightyet #cumjoinmebythepool #sunshineandpalmtreesReply
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