little_devil_1 Admin
3 years ago
Sensual Rhapsody ?? #SexArt #mouth #shoulders #arms #hands ##pussy #lips #ass #thighs #legs #feet #heels #piano #seat #rhapsody #beautiful #arousing #enticing #hot #sexy #sensual #erotic #envy #desires #temptations #blackandwhite #colours ?✨??✨?
little_devil_1 Admin
6 years ago
Rhapsody for feet in Lust major... #SexArt #feet #toes #heels #piano #keyboard #hand #notes #music #rhapsody #lust #sensual #inspiration #erotic #sexy #envy #desire #temptation #addiction #arousal #blackandwhite #gold #red
6 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@dodgingvipers A serenade in the key of love <3 I love your heart my friend <3:*Reply
little_devil_1 Admin
7 years ago
"RHAPSODY IN CHAINS" SexArt tribute for @undercoverotic <3 #pussy #legs #tummy #hand #breast #nipples #mouth #biting #stockings #chains #sexual #rhapsody #erotic #sensual #love #beauty #tease #seduction #mystical #desire #temptation #envy #undercoverotic #MrsU #tribute #blackandwhite #gold #pink
7 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@undercoverotic You're welcome <3 xXx Glad I sent you down memory lane and yes, another hotel shoot is what we all need Mrs U...:p I'd happily take the shot 3:)Reply