What do you get when you've got the day off and no plans? Asking for a friend...😈 #alwayssmiling #cumkeepmewarm #wokeuphorngry #nobadideas #muhahaha
1 year ago always_smiling@emma00 🤔 hmmmm. .. is this the only way I get to give you a "thumbs up " now? Cause that'll be weird around the family...🤪😂😈 #thesestickersareaproblem #butyourverysexy #bonerdamniforgotReply
1 year ago emma00You get the approval of the wife, especially when she gets new exciting creative things to play with 😉😍🥵👍🏻🍆 #newstickerunlocked #thumbsup #damnthatsallmine #IFLYBReply
Time to get up and stay in bed... I've got some plans for you😈😈😈 #alwayssmiling #wokeuphorngry #morningsurprise #logical #tadaaaaa
1 year ago always_smiling@emma00 you know my calculator is not the only thing I'm good at😈😉😘 #nodeductionsneeded #numbersaddup #peoplegonnathinkimanaccountant #needasquishReply

It's been a minute uplust... have a very naughty weekend😈 #alwayssmiling #letsseewhoissneaky #letsspendtheweekendinbed #waitingforyou #wokeuphorngry
2 years ago always_smiling@emma00 well.....I can do that, but you should be aware that it's game on love😈🤪😘 #youwonthisround #gonnaplaymyunoreverse #missingthatspatula #x2+1Reply

Happy Friday uplusters... I've got an entire free day to get creatively naughty. Let the games begin??? #alwayssmiling #messyhair #cumgetme #wokeuphorngry #itstheweekend!
1 year ago always_smiling@aussietitties it's not too shabby... think I've done ok with it😏😉 welcome back!Reply

Just waiting for you to cum back to bed...??? #alwayssmiling #wokeuphorngry #gonnaneedasquish #almosttheweekend
3 years ago always_smiling@emma00 mmmm.... good. That means my master plan is operating flawlessly??? #dontmakeitahabit #bedgetslonelywithout #isitbadthaticantstopthinkingaboutyou? #gotsomethingcookingforlater #YETIReply

Is there a better way to wake up on Saturday mornings? ??? #alwayssmiling #coffeeorcock #youvegotoptions #ilikeitbold #thatswhatshesaid #wokeuphorngry
3 years ago always_smiling@missfox oh I didn't even know there was anything else worth noticing except that mug. I am get innocent you know...????Reply

Happy Friday uplusters! Love these summertime mornings when covers and clothes are optional...??? #alwayssmiling #summertime #wokeuphorngry #waitingfortheweekend #sneakysneaky