One by one I kissed them from your skin. I pushed them back and forth in my mouth, but I couldn't make any sense of it. You saw the puzzlement in my eyes, let out a sigh, came close to my mouth and then sucked all the letters off my tongue. One by one you kissed them back on my skin. I looked down at my body. Oh dear, how could I have been such a dork.
2 months ago akfrostNice cockReply
No, actually not a Tesla. No driver assistance system, autopilot or other bells and whistles. More like a slightly rusty vintage Mustang. But with shiny chrome applications, a smoothly purring engine, well-oiled valves and a steady, slightly underspeeding gearshift.
11 months ago jamesmcroar@_iara_ I used to own one a few years ago. Deep metallic blue. Perfect for cruising :)Reply
11 months ago jamesmcroar@_iara_ What a nice metaphor :) Which valleys do you like better? Gentle, wide valleys or deep, rocky ones?Reply
I saw her in the audience, dancing like a flame. My heart it was on fire when close to me she came. She asked me: Hey, sexy boy. Can you show me how to drum? I asked her back: Hey, what’s your name? And suddenly she was gone.
1 year ago jamesmcroar@floume Im Moment bin ich nur ein kleines Häufchen Asche. Aber das wird schon wieder. Ich hoffe, dir geht's gut? Bussi à toi :xReply
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