Turn off the light.. take a deep breath.. & relax... Start to move slowly, very slowly.. Let the rhythm be your Guiding light... if our #bellybuttons touch would U feel me! #lyrics #enigma #bellybutton #iwantU #veryslowly #principleoflust #dowhatUfeel #feeluntiltheend #dowhatUwant #doituntilUfind <3
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7 years ago bearcubJen my Love..... We are ALL different, which is why I love you both so much!! <3 Mrs U and all her Beauty and You with all your U......ness!! ;) This OG couldn't cope with two marathons! No need to be jealous of me!! I am ever so happy to share her with you!! (I should be soooo lucky ;) ) And yes.... please do make me comfortable!! :p I need that after being kept up all night!! 3:) @jennyasino #nocompetition #nothingtobeatexceptme #Loveyou #loveyouboth #youaremyonlyUB :lips: <3Reply
7 years ago bearcub@undercoverotic Ohhh Darling….. How I love that U know precisely what it is I’m wanting! <3 How I love that I went to bed early and woke to this instead of receiving it last night. :p How I love the tingling, rushing sensation that plunges my entire body as I feel your lips squeeze me tight! How I love the almost unBEARable sensation U create moving your hips up and down gyrating. 3:) Not knowing whether to focus on U biting your lip or those gorgeous permissive breasts! Both exciting me, both turning me on. I want to kiss both. :lips: I love your fingers digging into my chest as I dig mine into your butt cheeks. I love the sounds of our juices slurping, gulping every inch of each other. As U fall forward my fingers feather yoUr skin, tracing upward across the small of yoUr back to yoUr shoulders. Just before U press yoUr breasts against me, my eyes ask U to pause and allow me to lift my head, kiss each nipple with sheer delight and then embrace U in my arms as I lay back down and U press. Our lips touch, open and pause………….. I squeeze U even closer with my arms as the passion ignites between our mouths, our lips seemingly moulding, completing an infinity of erotic sensation flowing back and forth between them and the vacuum of desire your wet sticky lips have created around me deep inside you! Words can’t describe this feeling as we mould into each other….. euphoric unison!! How I love it all….. How I love U!! <3 :lips: #Uhaveme #imallyoUrs #itstimeless #eternal #infinity #timedoesstandstillwhenimwithUReply