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7 years ago kittykatsub1989I know :) but there are a lot of wonders in the world, both ancient and more modern @wanderer7Reply
7 years ago kittykatsub1989I know :) but there are a lot of wonders in the world, both ancient and more modern @wanderer7Reply
7 years ago kittykatsub1989There are so many candidates...maybe Ankor Wat in Cambodia...@wanderer7Reply
7 years ago kittykatsub1989@wanderer7 That's a good explanation ;) I like the implication that I'm already cuteReply
7 years ago kittykatsub1989Maybe not every day ;) but more than in cold weather hehe @crazyglueReply
7 years ago kittykatsub1989@wanderer7 That's true too ;) The smile and the boobs are natural heheheReply
7 years ago kittykatsub1989@wanderer7 I'm generally a smiley person :) The tits I can't do much about ;) I was born with these lolReply
7 years ago kittykatsub1989@latinocentro Infelizmente tenho de ir trabalhar lol - hoje começo mais tarde que o normal ;)Reply
7 years ago latinocentroPena já te teres vestido... gostava de ver mais de ti... beijocas doces... Caso queiras falar por outros meios... ????????????@kittykatsub1989Reply
7 years ago kittykatsub1989@crazyglue It's really hot here today again (has been for the last few days!) so I had to make the most of it before needing to get dressed ;)Reply
7 years ago kittykatsub1989@latinocentro Está um dia de tanto calor outra vez que tinha de aproveitar antes de ter de me vestir ;)Reply