little_devil_1 Admin
5 years ago
Tasteful orange juice… #Sexart #ass #pussy #orange #juice #fruit-press #drink #taste #flavour #delicious #nomorealcohol #nomoreJen-tonic #onlyJen-juice #iamgoingsober #lovingandrefreshing #healthyandtasty #romancefirst #love #passion #willpower #asinofied #asinorush #blackandwhite #orange ?? …for you ❤️
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5 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@jennyasino “The Orange Juice Song” ♫♪ is an old (DP) song #purplesong It is my fav part to drink your Jen-juice ?Nope, I’m more a banana guy!!! ? You can buy Jen-juice in 2 litres-pack? Where??? ??? Thank you for Session 3 ❤️❤️❤️ #thelubricantisinthejuicenottheotherwayround #arousingjuicebtwReply
5 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@swedex Yes my friend, you drink it well 'shaken' ? but not stirred ???? #itisthekindofsoberthatstillmakeyoudrunkandwantmoreReply
5 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@renech YESSS!!! ?? I will do my fellow lover and musketeer ???... Converted to be 'sober' for life ??❤️Reply