little_devil_1 Admin
5 years ago
You are “Simply The Best” (TT) ?… CongratulationsTribute for the #beautiful @jennyasino ? You say you’re an #ordinary girl, but(t) I say you’re an #extraordinary girl, full of #love, driven by #passion, your #sensuality and #charms are ever so #erotic and #arousing, there’s no #wonder why so many of us here are #asinofied ????❤️ You are the one and only Jenny Asino™ ?❤️ #jennyasino #lesbian #bisexual #lover #friend #mamma ❤️????
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5 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@mad4it You're right my friend ? Our beautiful, charming and so charismatic @jennyasino is very humble but kind, sensual but arousing, erotic but very hot (the hottest), teasing but friendly, down to earth but ever so seducing, that is why you and I are asinofied™ like so many here... ❤️??Reply
5 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@jennyasino It is the same for many of us my beautiful Queen ?❤️? We couldn't do it and be here without YOU!!! ? #alltogetherwithyou #oneforallandallforone #wemerge ????Reply