Long time no see....what happens while the wife gets coffee😈 #alwayssmiling #feelingsneaky #puppylove #potatoday #DILYSFMB
1 day ago emma00At least my coffee ended with a nice treat at the end. For you, it might end up with a couple of good spankings though. 😈🥵🍑👋🏻 #naughtyhusband #imightneedtoputyouonaleashtoo #muhahaha #DIFLYReply
3 days ago always_smiling@belamar 😈😏Reply
Just waiting for you...😈🍆🔥 #alwayssmiling #thedayishere #timetosquish #sneakyspatulaninja #muhahahaha #DILYSFMB
Just a naked guy having his morning coffee... nothing to see here😉😈 #alwayssmiling #midweeksurprise #feelingsneaky #betterwaystowakeup #DILYSFMB
Just busy doing some shenanigans. What about you? 😈 #sneakyslipperysnake #twelvedays #mrsclausiscoming #hohoho #dilysfmb

Hmmmm🤔🤔....43, huh? Ok....let's go🤪😈! Happy Friday uplust😘 #alwayssmiling #gonnahavetocelebrate #thinkigotyou #callmemrsneaky #justhowirow #DILYSFMB

4 years ago always_smiling@emma00 mmmmhmmmm....I think you DEFINITELY got and took EXACTLY what you wanted darling???...(the cumming was guaranteed ???) #Allyours #lovethatmagic #minemine #cantwaitformorningReply