
3 years ago jemwolfieOMG, so amazing!Reply

People are : disappointing + cowards. Boys are : my favourite problem + a terrible waste of time. Girls are : often means to eachother. #poem #mythoughtsaboutlife #afterbath #bedroom #conclusions #teenagerforever
7 years ago little_devil_1 AdminJ'aimerais bien être ton problème favori et que tu perde ton temps avec moi... <3Reply

Hello morning ! #afterbath #fresh #romantic #vintage #cheesy #bedroom #teenage #french #selfie #boob #piercing
7 years ago anna_volanges@prickster <3 Wow big thanks for your feedback ; this is a serie I haven't shared a lot, and I'm not an "artist", i'm just a creative personn, I never took any precise direction nor engagement and this is the first project I actually invest myself in, so this kind of comments really encourages me thank you. Actually I sent this link to a personn curating an exhibition about "female sexuality" and they answered me no, for "aesthetic reasons" i felt so bad hahahaReply
7 years ago anna_volanges@prickster It's actually very on topic ! I updated the link, thanks for telling me. :* Please feel free to tell me what u think about it.Reply

En toute intimité .. #girl #girly #french #frenchy #frenchgirl #frenchwoman #blonde #blondie #seins #poitrine #boobs #tits #underwears #freeboobs #freetits #curve #afterbath
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