View from the kitchen this morning....when you send the husband for coffee you get this #alwayssmiling #penisswinging #winnerwinner #endofalongabsence
1 month ago always_smiling@missfox when you do it right it still puts a smile on their face😈Reply
2 months ago missfox AdminHe knows how to say no 😁Reply
Just waiting on someone to finish getting ready....I think I'm good to go😈 #alwayssmiling #longtimenopost #sosneaky #ithinkmybuttiswhiterthenthesheets
I'll trade you a cup of fresh coffee for....😈 #alwayssmiling #lazysaturday #coffeecreditsareathing #muhahahaha
9 months ago always_smiling@emma00 😏😈😏...just smiling from ear to ear... the coffee was great this morning and it wasn't even the best part🔥😈🔥 #squishsquish #somethingstimulating #damniloveyou #minemineReply
Just waiting for you...😈🍆🔥 #alwayssmiling #thedayishere #timetosquish #sneakyspatulaninja #muhahahaha #DILYSFMB
I saved you the best seat in the house😈 happy st paddy's uplust ☘️ #alwayssmiling #timeforsquishnstuff #sundayfunday #akathepotofgold
11 months ago always_smiling@emma00 well... I think we have your solution. I also have a nice alternative option slightly north...😏😈😘 #myfaceimtalkingaboutmyface #ifyouknowyouknow #incumming #fixedit #15daystolifeReply
If you've ever had breakfast for dinner this is the uplust equivalent ....happy weekend to all! 😈🤪😉😘 #alwayssmiling #squishnstuff #THEultimate #ithinkigotyou #masterplanoperating #mywife
11 months ago always_smiling@emma00 I think being your snack sounds... delicious 😈. Just make sure you clean your plate😏 #wecancallitabanana #horngryistheword #thattrophyisonloan #thatsmywife #pervertReply
Just letting the light in...😈 #alwayssmiling #lightenup #slippery #tgif #DILYSMB #readyfortheweekend
7 months ago always_smiling@missfox well... its nice to know I can pull it off even when I've got nothing to wear😈😉🤪Reply
What do you get when you've got the day off and no plans? Asking for a friend...😈 #alwayssmiling #cumkeepmewarm #wokeuphorngry #nobadideas #muhahaha
1 year ago always_smiling@emma00 🤔 hmmmm. .. is this the only way I get to give you a "thumbs up " now? Cause that'll be weird around the family...🤪😂😈 #thesestickersareaproblem #butyourverysexy #bonerdamniforgotReply
Woke up today in a bit of a naughty mood... happy Sunday uplust😈 #alwayssmiling #sundayfunday #takeyourseat #needssomeattention #feelingsneaky
1 year ago always_smiling@emma00 well love....I want quite sneaky enough, but I'll be better next time 🥷 🤪 #youalwayshavemeinthismood #giveyoumyslipperysnake #okexceptonlasgnanight #loveyousodamnmuchReply