duckdong Admin
3 years agoWant to come steal your soul don't worry I'll take good care of it. #snakeeffecton #keepingthespirit #theHHcrew #autumn #vibes #naked #dark #outside a balmy 38 degree #morning #piercings #feet #body #wouldyououijawithme
3 years ago duckdong Admin@eccentric_circle wrote this same response below hrs ago but forgot to do it under reply #mybrainmuststillbealittlefoggyReply
3 years ago duckdong Admin@eccentric_circle ?? would great the beast with open arms and legs for that matter. HC ready in 180 degree flipped position?? #whywastheblackbeastgreen ??Reply
duckdong Admin
3 years agoHope your day is full of electricity. ? I feed on electric jolts I need fifty-thousand volts I'll be a diode, cathode, electrode Overload, generator, oscillator Make a circuit with me ?- the polecats #catwithapole #brewiscooking #Thursday now with old school sctv 3d #cock #body #piercings #myjackpants that may have more than 1 meaning? #kitchen complete the circuit #electric #keepingthespirit
3 years ago duckdong Admin@eccentric_circle aww thx ?? and the brew may have to be transferred to another cauldron ?? #lovethatwordplay #theHHcrew #wickedisaswickeddoes #happyhaunting #iknowhereiwanttoleavemyectoplasm?Reply
3 years ago eccentric_circleI'm lucky to have such a sexy Co-ConSpiritor. I want some of whatever you're brewing up ??? #thehauntinghauntedcrew #wickedweirdosuniteReply