
Last Night I had a Dream : Were in Bed watching Porn on TV (young Teen Girl riding old Man) and Masturbating with the Blanket off, While my Brother sleeping 2Meters next to me in the same Room. Love that. #GetinAlmostCaughtOrWatched #LoveThatFeelin #Man #Male #Longshirt #Dream #Penis #SaggingBalls

Good Sunday Morning with this Pic I took 10Mins ago. 😊 Just sippin my Cappuccinoh. Have a nice one. 😇✌️ #Man #Male #Longshirt #Morning #Sunday #tookPic10MinsAgo

Winter is coming - that Means - Keep the Windows Closed and cep it warm n Cosy so you can nicely Masturbate or Fuck. :D I don`t like Winter ^^ Sendin some ?to keep you warm. ? Have a nice One. ?✌️ #Man #Male #Naked #Longshirt #WinterIsComin #GetinCold #KeepWindowsClosed #StayWarmNcosyAtHome

Just me at Home wearin a longshirt an taking a Photo ^^ :) Have a nice Week ya all ?✌️?? #Man #Male #Longshirt #atHome #Penis

I Love to wear Longshirts and havin no Underwear - especially in Summer when it`s so warm that my Balls are hangin and Slapping when I Masturbate, when I`m watchin Porn. ?? ... Do you like to wear only Longshirts with nothing underneath? ??? #Man #Male #LongShirt #NothingUnderneath #LoveIt #May2020